
American Family Association's Bryan Fischer Defeats Darwin in Four Easy Steps

Birth Control Works8/27/2011 2:45:29 pm PDT

re: #300 engineer dog

i don’t think the 2nd amendment is outdated at all. i only mean to point out that our right to bear arms and be prepared to defend ourselves needs to be re-thought in the context of radical changes in the reality of politics, technology, and warfare in the intervening 220 years

if the citizens of the united states are ever denied their right to arm themselves and have at least some means of defending themselves against the possibility of a tyrannical government, or for that matter a government that fails to defend them - that will be a very sorry day indeed

Will not happen.

Militia gun-nuts have shit buried all over. Like squirrels, just hope they can find them if they need them.

I have a difficult time thinking the citizenry will be disarmed. Enough people defy the law as it is with marijuana to show us that we can only police the people as much as they want to be policed.