
Video: Fox News Pimps Bogus Noah's Ark Story

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/29/2010 1:24:23 pm PDT

re: #303 Aceofwhat?

I would submit that it is the converse. At least a republican can be educated about AGW. A dem is just being dishonest by opposing nuclear power (or, if they are completely ignorant about it, are also committing scientific ignorance).

However, i’ll ask the question again: a prominent conservative does not deny AGW, so why the outrage? Given that the columnist admits that it is foolish to deny the established science, i find it difficult to take issue with an attempt to spur action on pragmatic grounds. Pragmatism is in short enough supply…

First of this “prominent Conservative” was kicked out of his party. He is a RINO now who is dead to them. Second off you are missing my point. Any discussion that does not start and end on the physical realities is an inherently false and unpragmatic discussion. Both sides do this.

Let me illustrate. If someone is pointing a gun at you, you do not talk about the politics of bullet manufacturers or the feelings of various folks about guns. You do what is necessary to avoid getting shot. Any other discussion is stupid because of the physical realities of what guns do to you.

In that analogy, the dems at least believe that guns are real and deadly in this analogy, they are just distracted by other things. The GOP denies that guns exist and therefore are taking actions that increase the likelihood of getting shot.