
Unbearably Beautiful: Bonnie Raitt & Bruce Hornsby Live, "I Can't Make You Love Me"

Dangerman7/29/2021 9:00:05 am PDT

zeroing out my paycheck to no take home pay and giving the US / IRS an interest free loan to own the libs

Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-GA) has apparently found a way to evade the House’s mask fines, CNN reports.

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY), who is suing Speaker Nancy Pelosi over the chamber’s mask penalties, said Clyde changed his tax withholding in a way that makes it nearly impossible for the House to collect the thousands of dollars in fines Clyde has racked up for refusing to mask up on the House floor.

Normally fines are taken out of a member’s congressional salary, but Clyde “went to payroll and had his federal withholding raised to $11,284 a month. So he only gets $1 of pay.”

i guess it also helps to have other income than your ‘job’