
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

Syrah1/31/2009 8:20:06 pm PST

re: #279 itellu3times

Anyone into buying “pre-foreclosure” property?

Someone here in the real world was asking me (?!) about some online service that lets you search a list of “pre-foreclosures”, and also arranges some kind of a rent-to-buy deal on them. They charge a couple hundred bucks for a single search of their database by zipcode, apparently.

Sounds like a waste of time to me, just contact a real estate agent and let them search for this, probably public information.

(I don’t want to post even the name of the site I looked at)

Anyone know anything about such deals?


Hud list are free. I bought a Hud house. Its a little beat up but I was able to pick it up at 3/4 the market price.