
Supreme Court Blocks Texas Neanderthal Sonogram Law

RogueOne9/30/2011 5:14:51 am PDT

Related to some comments upthread:

NYPD Commander Anthony Bologna Pepper Sprays Citizens In Second Video

A second video has emerged showing NYPD Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna recklessly unleashing pepper spray on non-violent protesters as well as fellow officers at the ongoing Occupy Wall Street demonstrations.

Bologna, who was identified as the cop who pepper sprayed a pair of women who were already detained on Saturday, apparently keeps his pepper spray canister in his hands at all times, unleashing streams of pepper spray on unsuspecting citizens before disappearing back into the crowd.

The 29-year veteran of the NYPD is already a defendant in a lawsuit accusing him of abusing the rights of protesters during the 2004 Republican National Convention

That guy loves his pepper spray.