
Video: Teens React to Rick Perry's Anti-Gay Ad 'Strong'

RogueOne12/31/2011 9:46:20 am PST

I changed my mind about working today. I’m still tired from the Iowa trip, I’ll do it tomorrow.

re: #239 Lidane

With Mixed Results, Ron Paul Tries To Terrify Small Town Iowa

Sioux Center is a screwed up town. 15 years ago no store was allowed to be open on a sunday. When Wal-Mart moved in they cut a deal that allowed them to open for 4 hours on sunday. Now I believe it’s a 24-hour store.

When we pulled into Davenport IA the other day there were Paulites on every corner. For some reason it struck me funny, I’d like to see what happens if he wins IA (although I still think he’ll be a distant 3rd).