
Sunday Night Jam: The Bird and the Bee, "Los Angeles"

Mattand7/27/2015 8:55:42 am PDT

Getting caught up on Rachel Maddow’s interview with Rick Santorum. She’s kicking his ass all over the place by just simply asking him to explain his position. No insults, no nastiness. Just a simple “Please explain to me your positions.”

What was really frightening was listening to Santorum’s utter and total butchering of check-and-balances and the Supreme Court. This is who Republicans want in the White House.

“Well, shucks, if those darn old know-it-all judges don’t give us what we want, we’ll just keep makin’ laws ‘till we get it right!”

Absolutely scary that I share this country with people who think someone like that should be leader of the free world.