
Cap and Trade Pros and Cons

iceweasel6/29/2009 1:04:12 pm PDT

For all the people here who are comfortable with making statements, and even sometimes entire posts, that say

“TEH LEFT” hates democracy, hates america, hates our constitution….wants to destroy our way of life, american values, democracy..”

(BTW, I’m quoting from numerous posts made here just in the last 24 hours)

..may I politely suggest that before you hit “post”, you substitute “The Jews”, or “Black people” or “BUSH!” for “TEH LEFT” while you proofread?

If it seems crazy, insane, racist or antisemitic when you proofread doing that— maybe you should think twice before posting that TEH LEFT does or thinks or believes all those things?

Thanks in advance for your consideration,


NOT “teh left”