
Republicans Bitterly Disappointed as Plot to Deprive Millions of Health Care Fails Bigly

BeachDem7/28/2017 9:47:34 am PDT

re: #303 nines09

The two GOP women, Senators Murkowski and Collins, the real heros in this defeat of a dangerous and vile bill should be told how much it meant to you and yours. I tweeted to both and thanked them. McCain also deserves praise, and I’ll be frank, I thought he was not going to do that. Kudos to him. Thank him too. Guess how Graham voted?
You know it’s not over. They will do everything in their power to kill the ACA by other means. They are already hard at work.
But take the time to thank these three. Repeatedly. They took and are taking a lot of abuse for standing up and caring.




I sent Graham an 11th hour email last night at 11 pm, exhorting him to do what he knew was the right thing and vote no. Got the auto-reply—thanks for writing, will get back to you soon. Hah—like he has ever responded with anything but a boilerplate blah blah blah. And that was back when there was any response at all—those stopped about 3 years ago.

What kills me about Lindsey is that the right wingers down here hate him anyway, but he wins without their support (all the talk in his last primary was how they were going to finally be rid of him—he didn’t even face a runoff; won big in the primary.) So he could actually stand up for something good, but for some reason he only wants to run his mouth, then votes straight party line.