
Wingnut Radio Host Berry On NY Mosque: 'I Hope Somebody Blows It Up'

Dark_Falcon5/28/2010 1:11:15 pm PDT

re: #20 dugmartsch


I think this might be the end of this guy.

My girlfriend’s parents are big fans of glenn beck, and are just anti-government in general (the government came after them really hard on bullshit charges and they spent a lot of money defending themselves). But if beck ever comes up in conversation I’m pretty sure mentioning this little dust up would alter their opinions of him pretty quickly.

The appropriate White House response to this is would be for Michelle Obama to make a surprise appearance on Beck’s show on Fox, play the tape of him mocking her daughter then beat the shit out him, afterwards dragging him out into the street and dropping him in the gutter. Heck, I’d pay to see that.