
Quote of the Day

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/29/2010 3:00:41 pm PDT

re: #5 Winny Spencer

Craziest candidate of 2010, bar none.

Tough call, I think O’Donnell and Paul have her beaten for more pathetic. Certainly Paul is much more dangerous.

But then there is Chicken swap lady.

And really, Reid is NO prize.

WTF is wrong with Nevada that this is the best they can do in all races?

I get what is wrong with Kentucky, I mean look what 8 generations of marrying your first cousin did to the Hapsburgs. If you have a sizable portion of your population that keeps playing genetic roulette, these things happen. Rand Paul seems reasonable for your zombie chanting needs.

But WTF is the problem with Nevada?

Was it too many nuke tests? Immigrants from Kentucky?