
Camera: Jew Hatred at HuffPo

Salamantis5/12/2009 2:29:24 pm PDT

re: #327 Curtain of Oz

It is more then socialism. Why are you hung up on that monomania? That concept is old - like a one trick pony. Israel has a far larger welfare state then any of its neighbors. It has equal rights for ALL citizens. Yet why is Israel they the primary target of the left’s scorn? Even the Great Satan can exist! What makes Israel so special? Take time to think about it.

One thing that makes them special is that a helluva lot of obscenely wealthy Muslims put pressure on their business partners against Israel. And those business partners include individuals, companies, corporations, organizations, and countries. Oil is illegitimate but effective leverage.

But residual Christian antisemitism makes some folks more malleable to that pressure.

The ultra-Orthodox Jews you refer to are a tiny, tiny, tiny sect that rejects Israel until the messiah arrives. They are useful idiots as well, paraded around by Israel/Jew haters to show how open minded they are. These Hasid scum are shunned by other ultra-orthodox (their synagogue nearly burned down this year).

Yeah; they’re whacked out concerning Israel. Like Finkelstein and Chomsky are. And like Buchanan and Paul are. Different kinds of whacked out, but all whacked out.