
Video: The Giuliani Defamation Ruling Is a 'Down Payment on Actual Accountability'

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines8/31/2023 9:22:54 am PDT

Much cuter than a normal Isetta. The design orginated with Iso in Italy, hence the “license-built” descriptor. They were also built in Spain, Belgium, France, Brazil,Germany, and the United Kingdom. Iso produced a commercial version with full width rear axle, available in pickup, flatbed, tilt-bed and even fire engine configurations.
A friend’s older sister had one when we were in high school. I think many of the boys secretly admired it but dared not say so lest they be branded as “queer.” Anything the coaches and yokel fatcats didn’t like was queer, and they definitely didn’t like foreign micro-cars.