
Karl Rove: Republicans Are Looking at Up to 450 Data Points About Each US Household

NJDhockeyfan6/28/2013 8:47:26 am PDT

And now for something completely different…

There is a website where vegans out ex-vegans.

If you’re no longer vegan, you’re going on the list.

The spirits of the billions murdered have risen to deliver: The Vegan Sellout List - an online directory of those who have regressed from moral consistency to moral depravity.

The Vegan Sellout List is our answer to the epidemic of vegan sellouts - those who are aware of the suffering caused by meat, dairy, egg, fur, and leather production, yet choose to look away while the animals suffer.

Selling out veganism is a trend on the upswing, bringing with it swarms of haughty, nose-turning carnists uttering nonsensical buzzwords re: veganism being “privileged”, or “trendy”, critiquing themselves into ethical degeneracy and paleo-terrorism.