
What the Right Wing Machine Lined Up to Defend: "You Gotta Marry These Girls When They're 15 or 16"

Rev_Arthur_Icantbreatheing12/27/2013 8:14:44 am PST

re: #329 Feline Fearless Leader

- I knew one woman in Pittsburgh who owned one mainly in order to be sitting up higher and being able to see better. I also think she felt safer being in the large metal box on the highway rather than a smaller one.

The height thing can definitely be an issue, especially with so many other SUVs, minivans, etc. on the road. When I switched from minivan to sedan, I definitely noticed a difference, but it didn’t bother me. But that doesn’t require an SUV. The minivan or cross-over will give the same height advantage and better gas mileage.