
GoGo Penguin: "Erased by Sunlight"

Targetpractice9/23/2023 11:44:51 pm PDT

re: #32 silverdolphin

I agree with you but regarding the civil war they seem to want so much, it seems they are now attacking each other more than any liberals. Paxton vs Texas (Bush) , the House, Trump vs forced birtghets, etc.

There is a civil war going on but it is between parts of the GOP - mostly the establishment, Wall Street vs Trumpers. This could decimate both sides, leaving a power vacuum as the GOP disintegrates.

The only thing keeping the entire shitshow going at this point is the devotion of the party voter base to their porcine god. Any time you remove him from the equation, what you end up with is a bunch of scared children desperately searching for their daddy. It’s why DeSantis looked like he might have a shot at the WH at one time, because so long as he was within the confines of his little banana republic, he could act as big a dick as Trump with a compliant legislature to make all his little fantasies come true. But much like a deep-sea fish, remove him from the unique environment he evolved to thrive in and he collapses into a pile of gray jelly. Same holds true for jackasses like MTG and Gas Pedal, whose clout relies entirely upon sharing the remote to the spiked buttplug they crammed up Qevin’s ass as part of the price to be Speaker. As soon as he loses the gavel, they’ll find that nobody wants to follow them because everybody on the same level as them is every bit as stupid and ambitious.