
Malkin: Scozzofava a 'Radical Leftist'

Gus10/31/2009 11:52:03 am PDT

re: #7 Conservative Moonbat

I wonder what she’d do if confronted by real radical leftists.

Does she just have no idea what the far left really is or is she really lumping Scozzofava into the same category as Trotskyists?

There’s a word or phrase in psychology that describes a person that falls easily into a state of irrationality. It’s almost like being a house of cards and then the last card is put in place and that house comes falling down.

Malkin and Dollard’s principles (which is still a theory if they have one) are much like that house of cards. Abortion and gay marriage are two of the cards that bring it tumbling down.

So, another example of radical leftism, real radical leftism and not the hyperbolic definition, would be Counterpunch. This is a cached link since it does contain a great deal of anti-Israel literature.