
Overnight Open Thread

darthstar5/30/2010 9:04:58 am PDT

Okay, okay, you’re not all racists.

I think it’s just the ‘with us or against us’ mentality that became such a part of our nation still has a pretty strong foothold whether we like it or not. And there is no shortage of people (even here at LGF) who think the current president is actually against the United States.

We invaded Iraq because of their ties to 9/11 and invisible WMDs that somehow got sent to Syria when we couldn’t find them…rape rooms, torture chambers…25,000 “bounties” to families of suicide bombers in Israel…the previous administration spent eight years building up fear of foreigners in this country. And its defenders are still at it: John McCain saying illegals are coming over the border to cause accidents on our interstates, some other asshole saying they’re bringing diseases. “Anchor babies,” the list goes on….

One can forgive people for sounding alarmist today. I made the mistake upthread of simplifying this to a ‘rant on brown people’…but that’s how it read to me, and so I said as much. Sorry if I offended.