
Watch Live: Democratic Debate, South Carolina

Dangerman2/26/2020 6:53:45 am PST

list the issues a Bloomberg presidency will be better for than another 4 years of Trump: tax distribution, health care, guns, climate change, Supreme Court nominees, border walls, LGBTQ rights (despite his personal expression of opinion, yes i do believe his policy responses will be so much better).

Unless you believe Bloomberg is the same pathological liar about every single thing that Trump is, then on every issue, every consequence, he’d be better.

- he hits trump head on and isn’t coy, shy or afraid to do so
- there’s no way ‘he’s a socialist’ could be used against him
- he knows and is well aware of his own history and soft points, though maybe not quite as prepared and polished as he should be.

he recovered from the first debate
did you write him off?
a guy who wants to be president has to have some ego
and he’s got the bucks so that’s not a factor
my guess - he probably planned the first debate that way. not to tank. but certainly to not ‘prepare’ and see what would happen - as a strategy.
and yes, it was a bad idea.
so what did he do?
buckle and crumble? (of course not. I wouldn’t be writing this and if he did, then he’s clearly not prez material)
or did he do the hard work and rebound? learn from it, re-steer, and come back better than he was?

i’m in the voter pool of old(er) white moderates who just want to beat Trump and don’t care so much about specific policy issues - especially ones that are not going to happen this cycle.

Sanders M4A plan has almost no chance to get the votes of Manchin and Sinema, let alone any Senate Republicans.

In the present circumstances this is nothing but a theoretical or philosophical debate. Even granting it’s a great idea and maybe where we’re heading longer term, it’s not going to happen now.

Of course, there will be a whole new narrative after Saturday (half a lifetime in politics)