
Onion: Breaking News

Racer X3/09/2010 8:15:10 pm PST

re: #339 Slumbering Behemoth

The only reason I can see that he needed to clarify “You don’t blow a bunch of cash on Vegas when you’re trying to save for college” is because those looking for the next outrageous outrage to latch onto decided to make political hay out of it.

Harry Reid was outraged.

Regardless, embattled Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid took offense.

“The President needs to lay off Las Vegas and stop making it the poster child for where people shouldn’t be spending their money,” Reid said in a statement. “I would much rather tourists and business travelers spend their money in Las Vegas than spend it overseas.

Nevada Congresswoman Shelley Berkeley concurred with Reid although to illustrate her level of ire, she threw in an exclamation point.

“Enough is enough!” Berkeley said in a statement. “President Obama needs to stop picking on Las Vegas and he needs to let Americans decide for themselves how and where to spend their hard-earned vacation dollars.”