
Code Pink Approves of Town Hall Screamers

Dark_Falcon8/31/2009 9:56:49 pm PDT

re: #31 pat

Your silly citation failed to cite anything that supported your case that pundits were encouraging armed attendance at Town Hall meetings. Rather you referred me to a politician that stupidly argued it was legal. So did the Black Panthers. And they were likewise correct. At the time.
I specifically asked about “pundits”. I took the word to mean major political commentators such as George Will, Michael Barone, Limbaugh, Ingrahm, Medved, or Hewitt. Instead you deflected.
our country is now in the hands of a politician who was a member of a far left Socialist Party in Illinois, who was the attorney of a far left group that has renamed itself because of legal indictments, who organized disruptive and near violent protests of banks and the Chicago City Council. Who not only read leftists literature, but had the terrorists/author as his baby sitter. And who attended a hate-filled racist church that believed in every lefyist crack pot theory ever imagined.
You are trite . Nothing more.

Your points are correct, but I’d ask you to make them in a less hostile fashion.