
CPAC's Attempt at Covering Up a Minor Server Glitch Backfires

goddamnedfrank2/25/2015 6:23:35 pm PST

This one is actually true. Actually it’s white married women, but whatever. Mostly true:

This one, I don’t know. Kind of true? Only election that really springs to mind is Prop 8 in California, but I’ve actually heard it. The “politically disengaged / undervoting minority” is an actual meme on the left, regardless of its basis in reality:

This one, is it too much to ask that the “fuck up” be substantive? I mean, I totally get being irritated with Arquette’s clumsy wording, but there’s so much effort being made to turn stretched inferences into intentional implications:

This one, pretty much bullshit. There has got to be a way of demanding more attention without inventing exclusion:

This one, totes fucking retarded:

This whole intra-feminism race war doesn’t seem to be helping anybody. Just some unfocused rage / ideological purity bullshit.