
Code Pink Approves of Town Hall Screamers

Drider9/01/2009 6:08:02 am PDT

re: #346 iceweasel

Not sure what you mean by “our agenda” there.

It looked like you were claiming that all the screaming and brawling at town halls is because of Code Pink (huh?).
It also looked like you were claiming that nothing odd is happening at these town halls…except politicians refusing to answer reasonable questions asked in a polite way.

I don’t object to “showing great displeasure in a vocal way.”

I do object to people carrying weapons, posters describing health reform as a “final solution”, people on Medicare crying about how they don’t want govt health care, and people repeating lies about Obama’s birth certificate, people chanting slogans before the representative can answer a question, people shouting down the rep when he or she tries to answer, and people chasing representatives while chanting the pledge of allegiance (yes, that one is on youtube).

So: What do you mean by ‘our agenda’? If you mean civil discourse, it looks to me like the people I mentioned abandoned that from the start— and you ought to condemn them too.

Iceweasle, by agenda I thought it was obvious…To stop the rush to destroy this Country, with not a trace of hyperbole intended.

To describe destroying the Country is simple.The government is doing their level best to put us so far into debt that we stand little to no chance of recovering from it, certainly not in yours or my lifetimes, now is that hyperbole, is the outcome of what Obama and cohorts relentless tact of spending “trillions” of dollars even debatable that it will destroy the Country as we know it. If your answer is yes, that it is debatable then you subscribe to living in a Country where all individual wealth, freedom and liberty is acceptable and we can come to websites and vent, bitch and moan.

The agenda seems simple(in my mind at least) being it is at least working and that is the people who attend these meetings, carry the final solution signs, yell out in unison when they hear the typical garbage from politicians, expose those in the higher levels of government as to who they really are and what their foreign beliefs and continue to ask question after question as they are doing now and keep it going until we can replace some of the trash holding office now…That is pretty much “my” agenda.

The we have what appears to be other people’s agenda.

Living and dying on the power of the Krauthammer types (who’s articles are usually a joy to read) who are absolutely ineffective in stopping the “Final Solution”(I couldn’t resist again). These folks may do their best to discredit the angry town hall people by making comparisons, ever so slight of these people to Code Pink fanatics which puts those making the comparison, pretty much squarely in Code Pinks camp whether they like it or not, seems I hear this logic being touted more and more lately.
Frankly to sum up these people’s agenda, God Bless em is that they don’t really have an agenda, they will bitch and moan and in the end, follow wherever the powers that be will take us.

Now Iceweasle, I have stated what my agenda is, I would hope that people of like minds could agree to not agree on everything and still come up with an effective plan to stop this “change” and being there are effective ways of pulling this off from the town hall protesters and tea party people to wacky talk show hosts and even in some cases…blogs, the worst thing we could do is destroy the ammo we need to fight back with…IMHO.