
Lindsey Graham: Illegals Come Here to 'Drop a Child'

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus7/29/2010 1:53:53 pm PDT

On topic, and more:


In Michigan’s 9th congressional district, Republicans hope to take down freshman Rep. Gary Peters (D) in what has historically been a relatively “red” area. One of the leading GOP candidates is Andrew “Rocky” Raczkowski, who apparently thought it’d be a good idea to prove his right-wing bona fides by campaigning with Phyllis Schlafly, founder of the far-right Eagle Forum.

What could possibly go wrong? Well, for one thing, Schlafly could start sharing some of her radical beliefs in public. (via Melissa McEwan)

During her speech at a Saturday fundraiser at the American Polish Cultural Center in Troy for Oakland County congressional candidate Andrew “Rocky” Raczkowski, Schlafly compared unmarried women to welfare recipients.

The conservative commentator is under fire from many women’s rights groups for her comments.

“Seventy percent of unmarried women voted for Obama,” Schlafly said in her speech. “And this is because when you kick your husband out, you gotta have Big Brother government to be your provider.”

Schlafly went on to note that President Obama was elected thanks to support from “the blacks,” before lamenting all the babies born “illegitimately” in the U.S. The Obama administration, she added, “wants to continue to subsidize this group because they know they are Democratic votes.”

Schlafly just appears to be a rather mainstream Tea Partier, no? So what’s all the hullaballoo about? This is the new “normal”, as Sen. Graham as demonstrated.