
Camera: Jew Hatred at HuffPo

Render5/13/2009 4:43:02 am PDT

re: #346 Joel

Navy? Galrahn of Information Dissemination would be so proud. You assume too much.

Nope - Son of an ABN E9 (‘50-80). Maternal side three generations Air Force all the way back to the Army Air Corp. Only Navy connection, stepson is retired USMC.

The classics (Von Clausewitz, Jomini et al) can only carry one just so far into the 21st century. Allow me to make some reading recommendations…

War in the Modern World by Theodore Ropp

Technology and War by Martin Van Creveld (disclaimer: Van Creveld was and remains horribly wrong about the Iraq War and not to bright concerning the Iranian bomb but that doesn’t effect the topics of our conversation or quality of this book)

Fleet Tactics by Wayne Hughes (and its updated version: Fleet Tactics and Coastal Warfare)

No army moves, or even exists in the modern age without logistics. Not even the Taliban/al-Q are immune to that rule. Command of the sea and air is paramount to those logistics in modern intercontinental warfare as waged by most modern nation states.

Those men on the ground are the tip of the spear, but without a shaft there is no spear.