
Hilarious: Stephen Colbert Defends Rand Paul Against Plagiarism Charges

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)10/31/2013 8:29:10 am PDT

The problem I’m seeing with the GOP as the torch transfers to a new generation of leaders is that the insanity remains the same or arguably has gotten worse. Cruz, Rand Paul, Cuccinnelli, etc are all under 50. Not old guys by any stretch of the word but they’re still stuck in the old so-con ways. Or hell I’d say they’re even more so-con than the old ones. Even Reagan who they worship at a political altar signed what was one of the more liberal laws on abortion in the nation and opposed firing teachers because they were gay. Gerald Ford was pro choice and gay rights too. Both men who were old enough to be Ken Cuccinnelli’s grandfather yet more progressive than him on things like that. The GOP’s problem is their positions appeal to a shrinking part of the electorate but at the same time, those views dominate the GOP primary electorate so they have to at the very least pander to those views to first get nomination and then renomination. It’s their own fault though. They decided to pander to bigotry.