
ADL Opposes Park51 Community Center

RogueOne7/30/2010 2:28:28 pm PDT

I came back because on my way home I drove by my folks house and there is an open lot down the street that is the perfect example for what I’m saying. 7 years or so a church bought the open lot with the plan of putting up a church. It’s obviously within the city code for that type of structure (there’s a church less than 1/4 mile down the road) but their parking lot would have butted up against the backyards of a nice subdivision. The church ended up being denied a permit because the people in the area didn’t want to have to deal with a church and the associated traffic and noise on a Sunday morning and they expressed that during the public hearing. They already have a big high school down the street and they didn’t want to deal with that kind of mess 6 out of 7 days of the week. Now, does that make the neighborhood a bigoted area? Was the church denied its first amendment rights? Of course not.