
Code Pink Approves of Town Hall Screamers

iceweasel9/01/2009 6:40:01 am PDT

re: #353 Coracle

I completely agree. But why is it here in LGF?

I don’t believe it represents the views of our host whatsoever. Or even most people at LGF.
It’s troubling. I am really surprised it’s here and it upsets me.

Crazy is everywhere, on both sides of the aisle for sure, and LGF is such a huge site there will always be some loon or other popping up.
I do think they get banned right away for hideous rhetoric, and the community is usually pretty quick in calling it out too..

You can find really vile things on HuffPo and Kos in comments too, and those sites are FAR slower to ban people or delete offensive comments. FAR slower than here.

I think it’s the nature of the political blogosphere, to be honest. There will always be awful comments popping up. And LGF is still way better at policing and stomping such things out than any other place. IMO. By like a factor of 10 or more.