
The Most Unusual and Twisted Short Film Since Eraserhead: "Self-Assembly"

psddluva4evah12/24/2014 6:41:23 pm PST

Merry early Christmas everybody.

I know it may not be the coolest thing nowadays, but it’s become a Christmas tradition of mine since after Katrina to watch It’s A Wonderful Life. Started it in DFW when I was all alone for Christmas.

It’s not Christmas until I watch ole George and Mary, lil Susie and ole guardian angel Clarence.

Really though, it because I remember when I was younger I just couldn’t wait to get away from my family, my crappy job and from what I considered my sad life in NOLA, I truly felt like I was somehow being held back by family, life, obligations, etc. In fact, right before Katrina, I had actually gone to. Houston for a job interview but the money wasn’t what I considered enough to move away from hime with no support.

Well,not 2 months later Katrina hit, and had no choice but to leave NOLA. I got my wish, I left NOLA, and eventually my family ALL moved back to NOLA, so I got my wish to get away from my extended family. I enjoyed my life in DFW, but I can honestly say I was truly homesick for all 7 of those years there and especially during Christmas and New Year’s.

So leaving aside the attempted suicide, the whole social contract plot line, and even the romance, it just always hit close to home the idea that sometimes getting what you wanted may not actually be what you need.

It took me almost 10 years to get back to NOLA and now I can’t see myself leaving anytime soon. Now I satisfy the melancholy with a visit to my cousin, or talking with my mother, or just looking at whatever new pic I have of/with Maddie.

So in a way, I guess I had my own little bit of my own kinda of “what if I left this old town”, type of revelation.

So fuq yeah, I love It’s A Wonderful Life…so shoot me.