
Overnight Open Thread

StudSupreme8/30/2009 11:27:18 pm PDT

re: #24 BryanS

But will the public blame the Dems for all these problems? Certainly Bush and the Republican Congress so long as we had it did nothing to curb big government.

True. The Republican party is not to be trusted either.

I really wish I was a lot more capable and smart, because if I was, I would start a national political movement with the following objectives:
1. In the next 2 elections (‘10 and ‘12), everyone nationwide should NOT vote for the incumbent at either a national, state or local level. Whoever the incumbent is - regardless of length of service, party affiliation or past record - should be 100% shunned.
2. Whatever person the Democrats, Republicans or any other party fields for the now vacant office(s), everyone should shun any candidate who is a Lawyer. Many of Washington’s politicians are Lawyers, and they have created the current judicial, legal and political systems. Lawyers are trained to delay, obfuscate, avoid or manipulate the truth in order to win, and throw tons of paperwork, motions and rules in the way of getting the job done. A Lawyer is the WORST person to elect to public office.
3. Every voter should then contact the candidate of their choice and tell them “I’ll vote for you on one condition - that you resign your party affiliation.”

We need to start from scratch. It’s the only way.