
Don't Drill, Baby, Don't Drill

Aceofwhat?4/30/2010 9:33:48 am PDT

re: #25 lawhawk

In the Cape Wind project, there’s a Native American tribe opposing it because it would affect their tribal area (and the view, which they hold sacred).

But the big reason that alt-energy projects, nuke plants, and even new transmission lines don’t get done is *drumroll* NIMBY.

It’s fine to say you want wind power, but don’t put in my backyard.
It’s fine to say you are for nuclear power - just nowhere near where I’d be downwind if there’s a radiation leak.
It’s fine to say you want to improve the nation’s power grid, just don’t put new transmission lines through my backyard.

i’ll say it once per day for as long as i live. you can put a pebble-bed reactor in my backyard, any day!