
The Bob & Chez Show: Lieutenant General Chest Rockwell

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷2/24/2017 9:23:55 am PST

re: #350 MsJ

Normal, my ass. I spent 80% of my life traveling for work for more than 9 years, including out of the country to both Asia and Europe. Never once have I seen any such thing. I never heard of any such thing. I never experienced any such thing.

They are fucking lying. They are being Good Germans.

And that’s the real issue here.

Had even one person stood up and said, “No, I will not comply,” that would have been the rally point for others to do the same.

None did.

When the chips are down, very few people will actually stand up for their rights. They don’t want the hassle, they just want to comply with authority, they are not willing to go to jail, &c.

There are very few natural leaders in society. The only thing that will stop this will be people saying “no more.” But they won’t do it.

This is how every conservative authoritarian regime gets started.