
The Bob Cesca Podcast: The Toe Monster

Joe Bacon ✅9/29/2023 9:21:30 am PDT

Regretful pro-Trump columnist explains ‘irrational knee-jerk desire’ to defend him

Right-wing columnist Scott Morefield, who has a long history of columns at praising and defending former President Donald Trump, now believes that Republicans need to “jettison” him to have any hope of winning in 2024.

In a lengthy Twitter post, Morefield expressed empathy for many of the MAGA faithful who are continuing to stick with their leader despite the fact that he was impeached twice and has now been indicted in four different jurisdictions on 91 felony counts.

He then explained how he and other conservatives rationalized Trump’s actions despite knowing how damaging they were.

“We tended to excuse his obnoxious personality and even actions we didn’t like because we knew the good outweighed the bad, especially when he was doing things we liked as president,” he writes.

“Over the years that becomes ingrained, and what was once a pragmatic alliance for many became a cult of personality. They became ‘only Trumpers,’ even when the bad started outweighing the good and he became a liability.”

All of this has led to “an irrational knee-jerk desire” to defend Trump at any costs and ignore evidence that he has become an election liability for the GOP, Morefield claims.

“At this point, Trump’s legacy is being demolished by his own stubborn actions and irrational desire for power and revenge,” he writes. “His diehard remaining supporters need permission to jettison Trump, not just for the country’s good, but for his own.”

He concludes his column by urging Trump supporters to back an alternative nominee who will pledge to pardon Trump.

In other words this is a “an irrational knee-jerk desire” from an irrational jerk.