
Overnight Ocean Thread

right_wing210/30/2009 9:29:08 am PDT

Let’s start off with finding the Constitutional authority to put this monstrosity together in the first place.

Sure, we need to make some changes to our health care system, but a bill with this level of control by the government, a bill containing hundreds of ‘shall’ ‘must’ and ‘will’s and dozens of ‘tax’ words is the wrong way to go.

States, for example, need to allow more insurance companies to do business there, with greater choice by the end consumer. We don’t need a ‘one size fits all’ bill like we’re getting in this. We could allow greater use of Medical Savings Accounts. Allowing people to hold on to the unused part of that account from year to year would, in the long run, provide for their greater expenses as they get older. Tort reform would cut costs, as ambulance chasing lawyers like a former VP candidate are able to rake in less for themselves from frivolous cases.

Improve the system? Sure. Virtually replace it with the calibre people we’ve got from Obama to date? No thanks.