
Photo of the Day: Dinner of the Damned

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷11/30/2016 10:08:48 am PST

re: #360 blueraven

Yeah pandering to the wwc is bullshit. The dems failed to bring the Obama coalition of young voters, people of color, educated voters, etc…too many went 3rd party or failed to vote at all. Not to say we shouldn’t appeal to the blue collar vote, but we haven’t won them for years.

And we have a county party that even here is inclusive. The only African-American I ever met in living four years here is our Democratic Party treasurer. He is originally from New York City, a very nice fellow. He moved here to get away from the city rat-race.

Our county party is controlled by its president and vice-president, 88 and 87 yo men respectively who refuse to do anything except apparently sit on their laurels.

Our state party won’t talk to us unless they want money. The same for the national party, the DSCC, and the DCCC.

It has been four years since I became the only elected Democrat in the ninety thousand square mile area of the Nebraska Panhandle, and I still can’t get the state party to return a single call. Not one. None. Nada. Zip. They don’t care. As long as they can get people elected in Omaha and Lincoln they’re fine with that. (Too bad the Democrats lost the NE-2 seat to a Republican this election. Funny how that works when you don’t campaign in rural areas, the rural area votes for the people who do, in this case Republicans.)