
American Family Association's Bryan Fischer Defeats Darwin in Four Easy Steps

lostlakehiker8/27/2011 3:37:27 pm PDT

re: #313 engineer dog

on the other hand, these Black Helicopter or Survivalist types who think that they are prepared to defend themselves against a hostile government with semi-automatic weapons and food supplies are totally fooling themselves

these days a government has much more sophisticated, not to mention outrageously expensive, ways to defeat individual citizens. if such a government didn’t feel that a direct attack with a squad of fighter jets or bombers was the way to deal with an insurrection, there are always ways of tying up people with lawsuits, digital warfare against somebody’s finances, or other insidious black ops

if you want to fight a fascist government, ‘1984’ is a much better reference work than a weapons manual

Governments can be overthrown nowadays, and sometimes, by violent revolution. But not without the defection to the insurrection of some part of the armed forces. A people’s uprising cannot hold against the whole force of the regular military. Not even in Libya.

Well, I correct myself. Rhodesia/Zimbabwe is an example to the contrary. If the military has for its demographic base a tiny fraction of the population, all bets are off.