
The Supreme Court Is Now Poised to Fall Into Right Wing Control for Decades

plansbandc6/27/2018 3:59:20 pm PDT

re: #347 blueraven

It really is bullshit. I donated to her campaign and was a Hillary supporter from day one. I voted for her over Obama in the primary and then, I happily voted for Obama because I did like him and because I’m a no bullshit full-on take no prisoners Democrat to the end. Had Bernie won, I would have voted for him, not particularly happily, but I would have voted for him.

I love Hillary. I wish she was President. I think the shit would have hit the fan in a few of the same ways because of the rabid right, but I am absolutely confident we would not have seen children in cages or internment camps. Or Roe v. Wade being reversed, etc. etc. I think the hate right would have attacked her with more vigor than they attacked Obama because there’s truly nothing they hate more than women. But, we have what we have.

How ‘bout you fuck right off Brian. I come here for decent intelligent conversation. If I wanted what you are serving up, I’d hang out on youtube and read the moronic comments.