
Overnight Open Thread

tiburon11/29/2009 11:57:37 am PST

re: #372 emcesq
Ya…I guess not so… - though Jimi always appeared to me to be a little ‘touched’ - mystic
But my thought was: - Maybe things will balance out in ways we can’t yet anticipate, yet short of Calamity. Bear in mind, anyway, that demographically, as folk become ‘wealthier’, at least up through the middle class (the trend reverses again once one has real money), birth rates drop, save for in the faith communities. This is a fact of ‘human nature’, children being a form of natural ‘old-age insurance’ for the poor and destitute (and I’m NOT implying anything ‘wrong’ with this).
I figure we should do all we can for and with each other, to better all our lot, and let the big questions, like ‘Earth’s capacity for sustainability of folks’, play out without resort to some totalitarian nightmare. I believe (no proofs) that said capacity may be way more than we imagine, today.
The Verities, remain for me our central challenge, not ‘population growth’ - but then I do see the world in most ways a stage for a human morality play. So shoot me. :-P