
Overnight Ocean Thread

NJDhockeyfan10/30/2009 9:36:02 am PDT

Chaz Bono: I love being a man

Now that he’s finally in the body he always felt he belonged in, Chaz Bono says he’s enjoying something that took decades to accomplish.

“It’s a long process going back almost a decade. I got clean and sober in 2004 and I couldn’t have done this before that,” Bono, formerly known as Chastity, tells, “Entertainment Tonight” in an interview airing Thursday and Friday.

Born the daughter of Cher and Sonny Bono, Chaz, 40, has been undergoing a female-to-male sex change since March, a process that has already had significant physical changes on his body.

“It lowered my voice,” he says. “Fat redistributes, muscle growth, hair growth, sex drive increases.”