
New Study: US Weather Stations Not Biased Toward Warming

Walter L. Newton1/30/2010 2:55:18 pm PST

re: #373 LudwigVanQuixote

I find it very interesting that you used to hold up the IPCC report as evidence of my “alarmism” when I pointed out the flaws of its science that came in from political wrangling… now you are dismissing the whole thing… Unlike you Bagua - or Walter, I have actually read it. Further, I have read the original papers that it draws from.

Now you could if you were honest, but you are not, read those papers before opening your mouth.

You could if you were honest, but you are not, look at the actual data.

However, you are going to go on a lying and distortion fest soon. Just remember that in this case, you are doing it by shooting down your former arguments.

Of course that level of consistency of thought is not to be expected from you. You are, after all, an idiot and a consistent liar.

I’ve read AR4. The Cambridge edition, which I think is only 975 or so pages, and the supplemental material (4 papers I think) is missing. I have the just under 100 page document.

Honest question…

So, the AR4 is flawed, is that what you are claiming?