
Chuck Johnson's Last Twitter Account, @GotNewsDotCom, Is Now Suspended Too

A Cranky One5/26/2015 5:10:23 pm PDT

Oh wow! I just got a letter from Reince Priebus with a “census” for Congressional District Illinois 11. It’s just filled with wonderful questions. A sample:

Do you generally identify yourself as a:
Conservative Republican
Moderate Republican
Independent Voter who leans Republican
Liberal Republican
Tea Party member
Other ______

Register your opinion on the following social issues:
School prayer
Ban burning of the flag
Ban human cloning
Ban all abortions
Faith based initiatives
Fight against same sex marriage
Ban federal funds for abortion
Ban federal funds for birth control

With revelations of “Fast and Furious”, IRS abuses, the Benghazi cover-up and other major scandals in recent years, do you feel Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill have the right to hold government bureaucrats fees to the fire and demand more transparency from the Obama administration?

Do you feel that actions by the Obama Administration in recent years have seriously eroded American’s individual freedoms?

Are Republicans in Congress right to fight back against the Obama Administrations efforts to severely cut America’s military power?

Should American take military action if necessary to keep Iran and North Korea from obtaining nuclear weapons?

Do you support Republican efforts to defer fully implementing Obamacare and replacing it with something that will address the high cost of health care while maintaining the quality of care?

Then there is the money pitch at the bottom. I liked this one:

I cannot send a donation at that level right now. But I am enclosing $15 to help pay for the cost of processing my census document

You wouldn’t believe how many questions are about Obama, as if he were running again. SMH.