
Rand Paul: "You Go to a Republican Event and It's All White People"

Birth Control Works4/26/2014 8:37:25 am PDT

Republican Governors Declare War on Civilized Society

In a way, although it is perverse in a so-called civilized society some Americans think this country is, it makes sense that Georgia, part of the third world former Confederacy, passed a law allowing frightened residents to carry loaded firearms in any public area; guns are likely at the forefront of their minds. The region already leads the nation in poverty, crumbling infrastructure, low-wage jobs, child poverty, lack of healthcare, poor educational outcomes, and a people mired in religious extremism, so the vision of residents carrying loaded firearms meets the standard of uncivilized nations like Somalia and Yemen. America is continuing to devolve from a once-civilized society into a barbaric gun-toting nation and while many Americans pale at the prospect of loaded guns in schools, bars, courthouses, malls, airports, and churches, an element of the population derives pleasure at the prospect of armed men roaming the public square because they saw images of Somalia and begged the NRA and Republicans to create America in Somalia’s image.

Sometimes I wonder if fear of such a thing is what brings it to pass.