
Cap and Trade Pros and Cons

iceweasel6/29/2009 1:34:48 pm PDT

re: #371 Iron Fist

I answered very quickly but you deserved more of an answer:

Whatever your personal views are on issues, the fact is that the Democrat Party (Leftists) generally agree on most issues, and if they disagree with some of the issues they feel that it is more important that their pet issue gets its slice of the pie. There’s nothing particularly wrong about that, but you have to remember that you will be judged by the company you keep.

This I have to disagree with.

Fuck the Democratic party. I’m not a member. (surprise!)

“The left” does not = the democratic party. The left and progressives are pretty angry at the democrats and have been for years.

treating “the left” like it’s some monolith, and like it’s coextensive with the democratic party, is ridiculous. “the left” is wildly diverse and the activist left loathes the Democratic party.