
Why Don't TV Weathermen Believe in Climate Change?

webevintage1/30/2010 6:24:27 pm PST

Hope it is ok to bring this up from a pretty dead thread but…

Speaking of computery things I might have a bit of money left over from a nice sale and am thinking of buying a Acer Netbook or a Kindle.

I read, a lot…a whole lot and love the idea of downloading a book instead of waiting for it to come in the mail or remembering to go to the library which is always out of my way.
But my eyes are not what they used to be (and my new flat screen monitor is rough on the eyes as it is) and I’m worried about reading on the netbook.

BUT I also would like to be able to browse online, check email and maybe do a bit of text based work sitting on the sofa in front of the TV instead of sitting at my desk.
I really don’t want a laptop and will have about $300ish to spend.

(and no I don’t think an IPad is worth waiting for…price/newness/and if there will be a charge for internet data usage)

Thoughts or recommendations?