
The Bob & Chez Show: The First Debate

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/27/2016 8:29:58 pm PDT

Near my corner of the globe:

Police shoot, wound man in San Diego area; protesters gather

Police shot and wounded a man they said was acting erratically in a San Diego suburb on Tuesday, drawing an angry cluster of protesters that believed it to be another instance of law enforcement shooting an unarmed black man.

Several dozen people, most of them black, gathered and some cursed at officers guarding the scene in El Cajon after the shooting.


A woman who was working the drive-thru window at a restaurant next to the shooting captured it on video. The woman turned her phone over to investigators voluntarily and signed a consent form, police Lt. Rob Ransweiler said.

Police said the man did not have his hands up when he was shot, as some witnesses have said, and police say the cellphone video shows this.


Some reports say the man has since died. The reports seem to conflict, so more will have to come later.

No claim, even by the police, that the man had a gun.

Other reports say it was his sister, with him, who called the police, she claiming he was ill.