
Colbert on Devin Nunes' Inadvertently Hilarious Lawsuit Against Twitter [VIDEO]

piratedan3/20/2019 6:40:18 pm PDT

re: #388 Targetpractice

it really seems that the UK needs someone to form a coalition outside of the current party leadership to form a common-sense government that remains and settles that question and allow them to get their shit together. It seems like that is so far outside the box that it will never happen even though that appears to be where the majority of the people are at and perhaps even a large plurality of the politicians themselves.

Too many people trapped inside the boxes of their own construction allowing some kind of political orthodoxy to prevent them from doing the right thing (see America: GOP). No one on the Conservative/Tory side wants to admit that they were played by bad faith actors inside their own party and at the behest of outside agencies (Russia). This is the kind of face saving bullshit that infuriates people (see also GOP: America) into thinking that you’ll never be able to extricate your head out of your ass unless/until you can be honest about it)