
Seth Meyers: Trump and Brett Kavanaugh Telegraph Their Plan to Steal the Election

jamesfirecat10/29/2020 7:44:16 am PDT

re: #344 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Today’s random acknowledgement of karma points goes to Jamesfirecat, with 40,438 at the time of this post.

These LGF karma points may be exchanged for those Sorosbux you were never paid as a Deep State Operative.

I’d like to thank all the people who made this possible, especially all you who stuck by me when I was just a wet behind the ears liberal college kid who was new to the site while it was still in the process of transitioning to what it is now.

Once again I’d like to remind you all that the reason I don’t post as much anymore is because my own opinions are now fairly thoroughly already represented by most of you so I often feel like I’ve got nothing meaningful to say.