
Allahpundit Adds 'Thief' To His Resume

Cato the Elder6/08/2010 12:30:02 am PDT

re: #18 Charles

By the way, please be aware that if Allahpundit ever broke a story like this, I would suck it up and give credit where it’s deserved. I’ve done it before with people who I otherwise despise, and I’ll do it again.

That’s the professional way to behave. Allahpundit is acting like a fucking baby.

Once upon a time, when the internet was young and exotic, in the days of Usenet, before the word “web log” was thought up by an obscure web diarist named Jorn Barger (who will hate being mentioned here, because he has since morphed into a flaming anti-Semite - but credit where credit is due) and then became “blog” and everyone was doin’ it like the Lindy Hop, it was considered bad form to argue over who broke a story first.

That was then.

Today, bloggers stand beside and above and against the “mainstream media” (whoever that is), and pride themselves on correcting, exposing, editing, emending, amending, and rivaling “them” as citizen journalists.

Some people here on this very blog broke new ground in that regard. The word “Rathergate” will resound through the ages as a milestone in citizen journalism.

With maturity comes responsibility.

Credit where it is due, even if thou must needs link to thy worst enemy.

Allahpundit, thou of the stupidest name in the blogosphere, unrivaled in orotund obtuseness even by the likes of Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller, who, like Charles Johnson, at least have the testes to make their real names known to the world, I hereby declare thee a coward, a dullard, a thief, a scoundrel, a blackguard, a wretch, an outcast. I attaint and repudiate thee. I excommunicate thee from the brotherhood of honest bloggers. I eat thy lunch and fart in thy general direction. Thy father was a hamster and thy mother smelt of elderberries. NOW THEN, begone!


Because I can.