
Herman Cain Accused of 'Sexually Suggestive Behavior'

goddamnedfrank10/30/2011 6:10:14 pm PDT

For those who missed out on last years expose by Clarence Thomas’ ex-girlfriend and think Anita Hill’s story is a total fabrication:

McEwen, a former prosecutor and administrative law judge who has written her own memoir and is seeking a publisher, said she believed Hill’s account of sexually suggestive statements by Thomas because of his use of pornography.

“I suppose I would call it a fetish or a hobby,” she said of Thomas. “It was something that was very important to him, something that he talked about.

She said the pornography bored her and she wouldn’t watch pornographic videos with him, but she also said she enabled his fantasies tied to the pornography “because we had a sexual relationship.”

“I didn’t disapprove of it. I just didn’t care,” McEwen said.

According to McEwen, Thomas underwent a major personality change when he gave up alcohol that eventually caused her to leave the relationship.

“Clarence became not the person I knew when I first met him,” she said, adding that he “drank to excess” when they first met and might have been a “raving alcoholic” at that time. When he gave up alcohol, she said, he became “angry, short-tempered, asexual” and obsessive with ambition and what she called “weird things,” such as long runs in the dark before dawn.