
Another Holocaust-Denying Priest

Wild Knight1/30/2009 3:45:13 pm PST

I’ve got to say this about this matter. I am a cradle-Catholic (in my mid-thirties). I live in an almost homogenously Catholic country just a few hundred miles from Rome. My country is almost as conservatively Catholic as you can be without actually being SSPX. I was brought about by parents who had been brought up in Pre-Conciliar days. All I can say is that I never came across or heard an Anti-Semitic comment inspired by my Church and her faith. Indeed, my mother, who was the main person to teach me my faith always emphasised the love and respect Catholics owe to Jews - and this from a person who was brought up by Pre-Conciliar Priests and nuns. The anti-semitic comments I come across in my country are associated with or produced with the events in the Middle East - much like in any other Western country. Yes, we have some priests and Catholics who criticise Israel about the alleged treatment of the Palestinians and the like but that is because they are ignorant. In my country, I know no priest or Catholic who denies the Holocaust. The only holocaust deniers in my country are atheist wannabe facist types. Please note that I am talking about authenic, millennially ancient Mediterranean Catholicism - and I ran into Anti-Semitic sentiment produced by my faith and its culture in my country. If anything, the prejudice here is strongly anti-moslem and conservatice Catholics here tend to be strongly Pro-Israeli because of this anti-Islamic prejudice. Those, ladies and Gentlemen are the facts. So before (some of) you try to all tar Catholics with the same brush, keep in mind that the vast majority are as puzzled and offended by the comments of these SSPXers as you are.